

By Car:

1350 Burke Road
Sutton, VT  05867

We find sometimes GPS can insert different towns as “suggestions” due to our our street address. Please check your map and make sure your GPS is going to “Sutton” and not Burke.  The easiest way to reach us is to take Route 5 to West Burke and turn at Mike’s Gas Station, go .25 miles and take the left across the railroad tracks and continue all the way up Burke Road until you reach us (about 2 miles).

By bike from Kingdom Trails:

From West Darling Hill Road – the closest trails are Pastor Point Loop or Coronary. Continue down to Bugbee Crossing Road, across railroad tracks and up to Route 5. Go left, cross the road onto Gaskell Hill Road (dirt road). Continue for 2.5 miles on Gaskell Hill Rd to Burke Road (paved), take a left, and continue for .75 miles to Kingdom Corn Maze, located just past Simpson Farm.

1350 Burke Road
Sutton, VT  05867