2025 School and Daycare Trips at Kingdom Corn Maze

Schools will have a variety of options to do on their school trip to Kingdom Corn Maze.  You can customize a package suitable to your group and budget.  Your corn maze outing will be a self-guided time with your students. Please reserve your date early as we book up for our late September and early October dates.  To reserve a trip, read the information below and fill out this JOTFORM with details about your requested school trip. 

What’s Included

  • Attractions: Our large and small corn mazes with an interactive maze game, animal barn (calves, ducks, chickens, goats), educational dairy area, trike track (grades 2 and under), tug-o-war, tire sandpit, horse swings, rubber duck races, corn kernel play, barnyard basketball, corn hole/lawn games, bubble barn, spider web, roping steers, and picnic area.  Closed attractions: Cow Train and Corn Cannons.
  • Package Options* (include all attractions listed above, choose 1 option per group or grade):
      • 1 Option $9.50 per student/chaperone
        • Choose one:  Small Pumpkin or a Kiddy Ice Cream with sprinkles (vanilla or chocolate ice cream)
      • 2 Option $12.50 per student/chaperone
        • Both a Small Pumpkin and a Kiddy Ice Cream with sprinkles (vanilla or chocolate ice cream)

    Teachers, paid staff, and bus drivers are FREE and include ice cream and/or the farm tour if it is selected as a group option. Pumpkins are not included for staff.  If there is less than a 1:5 staff/child ratio, we will charge $5.00 per additional staff.

    Farm Tour Add-On Option – limited availability

    Farm Tour $3 per child/chaperone

    The tour is a 1/4 mile walk to the dairy barn, and is appropriate for grades K & up – You’ll visit the calf barn, see the cows being milked in our rotary parlor, learn what the cows eat, and where they are housed when they are not in the milking parlor.  The tour lasts 1 hour. A minimum of 15 kids per group or additional fees will apply.  Group size is limited to approximately 25 people max per tour.

    Dates & Times

    September 5-October 10

    Thursday and Friday
    Arrive after 9:00 am and depart by 2:30 pm
    To maximize or short season, more than one school will be attending on the same day. We try to limit the total number of kids on the property at once to under 100 kids. Fridays: please note we open to the public at noon; however, generally, we have limited numbers of visitors on Fridays. 

    Limited availability – please inquire about groups larger than 50 students for Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday trips. 

    Please reserve your date early as we book up for our late September and early October dates.
    Rain dates will be made on an as-needed basis if trips are canceled due to rain, but we will not schedule rain dates “just in case”.


    Fill out this JOTFORM with details about your requested school trip.

    Contact Marci at kingdomcornmaze@gmail.com or 802-424-7227 for additional help.


    Day-of Field Trip Guidelines

    Thank you for choosing our maze and farm for your school trip! We’re excited to have you join us for a fun day of exploration. Below are some helpful guidelines for your visit:

    • Tricycles: These are best suited for children in grade 2 and under. Please ensure kids use a tricycle that’s the right size for them and take turns, as we have a limited number. You may opt not to offer this activity if you’d prefer.
    • Please have everyone bring a water bottle!
    • We have a store with items from $.25 and up if the school allows kids to go to the store.
    • Corn Maze: The large maze takes about 45 minutes, but we recommend planning for an hour. The small maze takes around 10–15 minutes. Group leaders should take a photo of the maze map at the entrance.
      • All children must be chaperoned.
      • No cutting through the corn, please.
    • Picnic Area: If multiple schools are visiting on the same day, you’ll be assigned specific tables. Before leaving, please tidy up by picking up trash and wiping down tables with the provided wipes. Please leave wipe containers on the tables – they are not to be taken back to the school with you.
    • Ice Cream: If your trip package includes ice cream, children can choose between vanilla or chocolate, with either rainbow or chocolate sprinkles. Groups can take turns visiting the ice cream window, and we encourage kids to practice ordering their ice cream. A teacher should assist each group. For students with allergies, we offer alternative sorbet for those with lactose intolerance.
    • Pumpkins: If your package includes school-sized pumpkins, we have plastic bags and markers available to help transport them. Just ask for these at the maze store.
      • School Pumpkin Location: The school pumpkins are located in the pumpkin patch just below the play area, in the last two rows at the southern end of the field. It’s easiest to walk between the pumpkin patch and the corn cannon target area to reach them. The pumpkins are roughly the size of a large pie pumpkin.
    • Play Areas: Please tidy up any play areas you use, including the wiffle ball, badminton, and corn hole areas.
    • Extra Clothes: It’s often windy at the maze and colder later in the season, please have kids come with appropriate clothing. “Accidents” sometimes happen at the maze with younger kids with all the excitement, so please bring at least 1 pair of bottoms/pants in case a child in your group has an accident.
    • Broken Items: If you notice any broken equipment during your visit, please notify a staff member so we can address it. Thank you for helping us keep the farm in great shape!



    This is a sample schedule for larger groups. You could customize your own schedule.

    SAMPLE 1 – 3 groups, older grade doing the large maze, picking pumpkins

    9:00   Arrive at Kingdom Corn Maze
    9-9:15   Settle in the picinic area, remind students of expectations, bathroom breaks, get into groups, etc.
    9:15 -10:15   Rotation 1 Group A, Rotation 2 Group B, Rotation 3 Group C
    10:15-10:30   Snack and bathroom
    10:45-11:45   Rotation 1 Group B, Rotation 2 Group C, Rotation 3 Group A
    11:45-12:15   Lunch/Remind Students of expectations (please note you may want to add more lunchtime slots depending on group size)
    12:15-1:15   Rotation 1 Group C, Rotation 2 Group A, Rotation 3 Group B
    1:15-1:45  Ice Cream & Free Play
    1:45   Bathrooms/Closing,  Pick up and take bus ride back to school
    Rotation 1 =   Large Corn Maze
    Rotation 2 =    Play Area & picking pumpkins
    Rotation 3 =  Animal Barn and Wiffle ball game, Tug of war

    SAMPLE 2 – 4 Groups – younger grade doing just the small maze, pumpkins and ice cream
    9:00-9:30    R1 Group A, R2 Group B, R3 Group C, R4 Group D
    9:30-10:00   R1 Group B, R2 Group C, R3 Group D, R4 Group A
    10:15-10:30   Snack
    10:30-11:00.  R1 Group C, R2 Group D, R3 Group A, R4 Group B
    11:00-11:30.  R1 Group D, R2 Group A, R3 Group B, R4 Group C
    11:30-12:30.   Lunch, Ice Cream, Free Play
    Rotation 1:   Small Corn Maze
    Rotation 2:   Pumpkin Picking
    Rotation 3:   Animals
    Rotation 4:   Playground

    SAMPLE 3 – 4 groups, farm tour, ice cream, 1 group doing the large maze, 3 groups doing small maze.
    Arrive At Kingdom Corn Maze
    Settle in the Tent, review expectations, bathroom break, get in to groups
    Rotation 1
    Group A: Play Area
    Group B: Play Area
    Group C: Small Corn Maze then Animal Barns
    9:45-10:45 Group D: Large Maze (3rd grade) (60 min)
    Snack and bathroom
    Rotation 2
    Group A: Small Corn Maze then Animal Barns
    Group B: Animal Barns then Small Maze
    Group C: Play Area
    Group D:  Snack, bathroom, wiffle ball game, tugowar, free play
    Rotation 3
    11:15 – 12:15 Farm tour 1 (Group C & D)
    11:15-12:15 Lunch Group A&B, Play Area
    12:15-1:15 Farm tour 2 (Group A & B)
    12:15-1:15 Lunch Group C & D, Play area
    Ice Cream & Free Play
    Bathrooms, closing, pick up play area
    2:00 Load Bus
    Group A – PK & K
    Group B – 1
    Group C – 2
    Group D – 3